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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » KC-117美肤机,蒸汽喷雾机,奥桑热喷蒸脸器
产品: KC-117美肤机,蒸汽喷雾机,奥桑热喷蒸脸器 
品牌: 台风
型号: KC-117
单价: 170.00元/件
最小起订量: 1 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2012-05-23 18:50

台风的优势----你选择的理由?              您选择台风----台风让你放心       一、台风科技是一家专业的美容仪器生产制造厂家, 2000年成立广州台风美发美容器械有限公司,是广州第一家从事生产制造的美容仪器厂家。12年的美容仪器行业经验,欢迎随时到我厂参观(工厂已经通过ISO 9001、ISO13485、3C、CE等企业和产品的认证)。 二、我们核心的制造产品包括:多 功能综合美容仪器、电动微针美肤仪、RF射频、负压射频电波拉皮、冷冻减肥仪、医疗PDT热能光动力美容仪、纳米营养注入仪、冷光光动力、减肥爆脂仪,丰 胸纤体仪、美容院基础设备仪器、医疗设备、注氧面部美容仪、钻石微雕嫩肤、美肤机、冷光放大镜、皮肤检测、远红外线仪、推脂机、超声波美容仪、蜡疗系列美 容仪、毛巾消毒柜、杀菌箱、推车系列仪、家庭美容仪及化妆品、消耗品等美容系列仪器产品。 公司产品远销国家:意大利、美国、伊朗、新加坡、台湾、马来西亚、泰国、印度、伊拉克、俄罗斯、香港、澳门、日本、菲律宾、韩国、中国各城市等国家和地区 三、公司提供的服务,外地的客户来到广州,公司可安排车接送,一直到客户离开公司为止。公司可为客户提前订好客房,以解决客户来广州的困扰或担心,让客户有全心的精力投入到工作中。 四、全程的OEM/ODM供应商,公司已经为很多知名的化妆品连锁集团公司提供优质的产品,在此,在业界反应的产品质量很好,工厂的产品合格率达到98%以上,为供应商提供优质的产品是台风公司一贯的宗旨和责任。 五、公司售后服务, 台风公司售出的产品,在15天内出现产品的质量问题,公司提供无条件换货,在1个月之内出现产品质量问题,仪器返回工厂的费用全部由公司承担。在以后的产 品售后服务,公司在4小时内,给予客户准确的处理办法,彻底解决因产品质量问题给顾客带来的困扰。本公司为客户营造一个:信赖、合作、服务于一体的消费模 式。       您的满意是台风员工最大的动力,               您的成功是台风员工最大的源泉。 MOSTY-----KC-117美肤机(桌上型)                                      一、前言 KC-117家用台式美肤机是台湾原装机型,在美容沙龙是最基本而不可缺少的议器之一.它外形美观,支架为不锈钢组成,水杯是由加厚耐高温玻璃材料制成,雾气均匀细密,不会在脸上造成积水现象.完成皮肤角质层的软化,为皮肤充分补充了水分,延缓肌肤的衰老.  本机设计合理,美观实用,并具备一般机型不能做到的自动温度控制保护装置,确保用户的使用安全.  使用本产品前,请务必仔细阅读此说明书! 二、功能及原理1、可打开皮肤毛孔,便于深入清洁.2、蒸气渗透到毛孔中后,可软化毛孔中堆积的油垢、黑头、化妆品残留物以及污垢,便于深入清除这些物质.3、特有的臭氧发生装置,产生臭氧可有效杀灭皮肤中各种细菌,有利于皮肤健康,也可软化皮肤表面坏死细胞,方便清洁.4、促进皮肤微循环,加速细胞新陈代谢, 改善皱纹.5、具有自动识别故障功能,在低于或高于标准水位时,可自动切断电源.6、设有自动温控装置,保护主机在长时间工作下不被烧坏. 三、技术参数额定电压:AC220 V最大频率: 50HZ最大功率:450 W包装尺寸:29.5×22.5×19.5cm 四、使用说明1、沿逆时针方向旋转取下透明水杯,加水至上水位线,检查有无胶圈,再将水杯沿顺时针方向旋紧,使杯口与胶圈密封良好.2、插上电源插头,开启喷雾开关键.此时开关指示灯亮;主机开始工作;约六分钟,蒸气自喷雾口喷出,此时可根据需要开启气管.3、开启臭氧开关键.此时开关指示灯亮;臭氧管接通电源开始工作,蒸气中有明显的臭氧味,并伴有显著的雾化现象. 皮肤类别距离/cm喷雾时间/min油性皮肤20—2515中性、混合性皮肤25—3010干性皮肤30—355敏感性皮肤355色斑皮肤30--35104、工作中随着蒸气的不断喷出,水位不断的下降.当水位下降到接近下限水位时,应关掉喷雾开关,切断电源,待水杯冷却后,取下水杯,加入适量清水,(介于上下限水位之间),再接通电源重新工作.5、工作结束后,应及时清洗水杯和发热元件上的水垢.用软性金属刷子刷掉或者用白醋浸泡5-7分钟后,用清水将发热管清洗干净即可. 五、使用注意事项1、注意水位.工作时水位应保持在上限水位线与下限水位线之间.当水位低于下限水位时,机内温控保护装置会自动切断电源,此时应及时加入适量清水,否则温控器会频繁动作直至烧坏发热装置.加水1-3分钟后,主机会自动进入恢复工作状态.2、加水时应避免不要将水洒在电器开关上,以免引起漏电.3、操作时,必须等到喷雾口稳定且均匀喷出细雾时才可以对着脸部,喷口必须离脸部21-35CM左右(根据皮肤类型选择,详见下表).蒸汽应由顾客下巴起,均匀吹至至整个脸部。4、臭氧具有杀菌作用,但不宜长时间使用,应根据不同的皮肤选择适当时间(详见下表)  六、日常保养1、不使毛细孔残留污垢人体皮肤自身具有呼吸和排泄的功能,而皮肤毛细孔则是皮压倒进行呼吸及排泄的通道,彻底清除毛细孔中残留物是现代美容一个最基本的步骤。因此,有耐性的肌肤保养,最重要的还是致力于“不使毛细孔残留污垢”。2、去除毛细孔污垢有以下几种方法1)、日常的温水洗脸        这种方法是最长用的方法,但这种方法不甚理想。因为简单的温水洗脸不能完全打开毛细孔,故只能去除皮肤表面的灰尘、油脂。2)、用磨砂膏与敷面组合使用        这种方法比简单的用热水洗脸要有效的多。但是要借助磨砂和敷面来完成去除毛细孔污垢,也是不太可能。因为磨砂膏不可能进入毛孔去除污垢。另外经常使用磨砂膏还会使皮肤角质去除过度,从而使皮肤失去自我保护的屏障,皮肤的抵抗能力也会因此而下降。3、台式离子喷雾机蒸面台式离子喷雾机产生的蒸汽可以使皮肤毛细孔完全打开,开能软化毛细孔中堆积的油垢、黑头、化妆品残留物以及其它各种污垢,以便能完全清除这些物质。此外,台式离子喷雾机产生的臭氧能够附着在蒸汽中进入毛细孔,从而有效杀灭隐匿在毛孔中的细菌,让皮肤真正做到健康、清洁。   七、保证及售后服务 依使用说明书之注意事项而使用,却于保证期间内故障时,将免费修理。委託免费修理时,请将商品及本文提交购买店。保证期间内若下列情形,原则上为有偿修理。依使用说明书之注意事项而使用,却于保证期间内故障时,将免费修理。 委託免费修理时,请将商品及本文提交购买店。  保证期间内若下列情形,原则上为有偿修理。(1)      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     九、工厂证书:    十、温馨提示: 【 支付方式】为保证客户的利益,请提前告知我司工作人员,核对银行卡,然后再付款。 【发货及运输费用承担】1、在我店购买的任何宝贝,运费均由买家承担。买家可以选择支付货款时把运费加进来我们帮您付运费,也可以选择到付运费。2、我店发货时间要求:订单确认后3-7个工作日内发出,如遇特殊情况,我司将会及时通知您因快递公司或者物流公司造成的到货时间过长,我方也会尽力协助沟通,希望买家谅解。 【温馨小提示】1、我司所有宝贝图片均100%实物拍摄,您所见即所得,但也有可能受显示器色差、拍照光线稍有差异,购买前如有需要和疑问,请咨询我店客服人员。2、我司宝贝在发出之前都会经过严格的质量检查,均无质量问题。请买家在收货时当快递人员面查宝贝,如有破损请拒收退回,并及时与我司联系。签收或代收人签字收货后,即视买家对宝贝认可并认为无质量问题。3、非常感谢您光临我司网站,如果您对我司的服务及宝贝满意,请您做出相应的评价;如果您有疑虑或者是未能解决的问题,请及时联系我们,我们会竭尽全力的为您服务。 【邮资说明】1、亲爱顾客,如果你们购买大件货品建议用物流,虽然时间较长,但摔货率会比较低,邮资相对也较低。  2、亲爱顾客,如果你们购买的仪器较小(不易碎)建议用快递,快递省内珠三角地区默认顺丰速递,省外默认宅德邦。顺丰速递和德邦物流不到的地方,我们将转发其他快递。如您有特殊要求请提前和我们提出,快递到不了的地方我们会转发EMS。  【为您服务】产品咨询:盛先生15920909077   18024088655   QQ:458106696   2724088655销售热线:020-87422779       销售传真:020-87479235客服QQ:1924363519           400-8820-806公司地址:广州市白云区龙归镇永兴村陈太路东侧2号厂房  【运费说明】大件货物发物流,物流公司不提供送货服务/需要自已去物流公司提货,物流选择运费到付方式,产品价格都是不包含运费的,小件5KG内建议用快递运输!  【签收】:请 买家提货时当面验货,为了保障您的权益,签收前请仔细检查,如果有损坏请拒绝签收!首先察看包装是否完好无损;然后打开包装进行仔细检查。请买家亲自验 货,以便避免不必要发生的麻烦;如果是请家人朋友代为签收请您务必让他们仔细验货.验货时发现有件数不对或者运输损坏请不要签收并及时联系我们,物流公司 返回后我们免费重新发货,签收后才发现损坏,由于此时货运公司已不再负责任,并且我公司不能判定到底是货运还是客户自己搬运途中损坏货物,需要更换或者补 寄配件,所产生的费用由客户承担。                                      KC-117  Skin Beautifier1、RefaceKC-117 Skin Beautifier, originated from Taiwan, is one of the indispensable equipment for skin beautification salons. It is designed aesthetically with a stainless steel frame. Its water cup is made of thickened high-temperature-resistant plastic. The steam sprayed is even and fine, no hydrocele happens on your face, softening cutin layer, compensating abundant moisture, and staving off caducity of skin.The beautifier is designed aesthetically, practically and with reason. It is equipped with a special function: automatic temperature control and protection device, to ensure application safety of our customers, which is not equipped for the common types of this kind of machine in the marketplace.Please read this instruction manual carefully before putting it into use. 2、Principle and functions1). Opening pores of skin, to clean skin deeply.2). The steam can penetrate into the pores, soften the accumulated oil dirties, dark spots, cosmetic residuals and other dirties, to make these dirties be cleaned out more easily.3). Equipped with a special ozone generator, to generate ozone and effectively kill all kinds of bacteria in skin, which is good to skin health, and soften the putrescence cells on surface of skin, to make it easier to clean it.4). Reinforcing micro recycling of skin, to speed up metastasis of cells and reduce wrinkles on skin.5). Provided with a function of self-diagnosis, the power supply will be shot off automatically when water level is lower than a specific limit.6). There is a timer provided to preset the time according to the specific skin type of guests.   3、Main technical specifications      Rating Voltage: AC 110/220V       Maximum Frequency: 60 Hz       Maximum Power Capacity: 450 W       Outer Dimensions: 34×29×21 cm 4、Instruction of operation1). Pour distilled water into the water cup through the water inlet. The water level should not excess the red line of the water cup.2). Plug in power-supply cord, and turn on steam switch. The switch indicators will be on, and the machine will begin running. After 5-7 minutes, steam will be sprayed from steam nozzle.3). Turn on ozone generator switch, according lamp will be on. The ozone generator begins running. There is a strong ozone smell in the steam produced, and the steam is obviously atomized.4). Correctly preset the time according to the specific skin type of your guest.Skin typeDistanceTimeOil skin, bad skin blood recycling20cm15MinNormal skin25cm10MinSensitive skin30cm5 MinCapillary vessel dilatation30cm5 Min 5). After operation, promptly clean scale inside the water cup and the heating elements. Firstly brush the scale away with a soft metal brush or dip in white vinegar for 5-7 minutes, and clean the heating elements with clean water. 5、Precautions1). The water level in the water cup should be kept between the upper limit and the lower limit. The temperature protection device will automatically shot down power supply if the level is lower than the lower limit, add enough water promptly at this moment, otherwise the temperature controller will frequently turn on and off repeatedly, till the heating elements is burnt. 1-3 minutes after adding water, the machine will restore running automatically.2). Avoid pouring water onto the switches, to prevent from electricity leakage.3). Wait the nozzle spraying fine steam stably and even before directing the steam to face. The specific skin type determines the distance between the nozzle and face. Spray steam beginning with jaws, then the whole face.4). Do not pour flavors or other infiltrating/erosive ingredients into the water cup.5). Do not use it on splashing skin. 6. After sale service and guarantee1). The mainframe of the machine is guaranteed 1 year from the date of purchasing (basing on the receipt of purchasing). Repair and modification occurred beyond the guarantee date or the responsibility of guarantee will be charged according to the cost. If you want to buy accessories and2). The following situations are beyond our guarantee.Troubles caused by personally dismantling or modifying the productTroubles caused by dropping the product and damaging it carelessly.Troubles caused by lack of reasonable maintenance.Troubles caused by ignoring the correct instructions in this manual.3). The specification of this product is subjected to modification without any notice. If necessary, please log in our website for further information.4).If you have any question or opinion,please contact. 7、General knowledge about daily skin beautification1. Get rid of residuals inside pores of skinThere are two basic function of our skin: breathing and ejecting. The pores in our skin are the path of breathing and ejecting. Completely clean the residuals inside the pores are an essential step for modern beautification. Therefore, it is the most important thing for skin care to strive to “get rid of residuals from the pores”.2、The following methods are to get rid of residuals from the pores.1).Daily face cleaning with warm water.   This method is commonly adopted, but not a ideal method. Because it is too simple to clean face with warm water, and the pores are not fully opened, any the dust and oil above the surface of skin is cleaned out.2). Combination of grinding and spending   This method is much more effective than simply cleaning face with warm water. But it is likely not possible to clean all the dirties from the pores, because grinding paste can not go deeply into the pores to clean them. Additionally, frequently using grinding paste to clean skin will excessively wipe off the skin cutin, and make skin lose the natural screen of self protection, thus resistance ability of skin will decline.3). Braising skin with steam generated by desktop ion steam sprayer.   The steam generated by desktop ion steam sprayer can fully open the pores of skin, and softenthe accumulated oil dirties, dark spots, cosmetic residuals and other dirties, to make these dirties be cleaned out more easily. In addition, the ozone generated by the sprayer can cling into steam and get into the pores, effectively kill bacteria hidden in the pores, helping to keep skin healthy and clean.
公司其他供应信息 | 专业祛皱减肥美容电波拉皮仪器,韩国进口配件, | KC-117美肤机,蒸汽喷雾机,奥桑热喷蒸脸器